Koti » Enable all available LTE-features on your Qualcomm device

Enable all available LTE-features on your Qualcomm device

This instruction helps you to enable all LTE-features on your Qualcomm devices like 1024QAM DL and 256QAM UL. Some features only supported only with SDX52 and SDX55 modems.

Before continuing, I remind you these changes could end your device warranty. Be careful because this can make your device unusable.


  • Make sure your device have X55 Modem Baseband version HI2.0 or newer. In Android you can check this in Settings -> About -> Status and find Baseband version.
  • Qualcomm diag driver installed and access to QPST/EFS.
  • Hex File Editor (eg. HxD Editor).

This instruction is tested with OnePlus 8 (IN2013) and 8 Pro (IN2023). To access QPST with OnePlus 8, follow instructions here.

Let’s start

Open EFS Explorer and navigate to following folder: /nv/item_files/modem/lte/rrc/efs

On OnePlus 8 there is only one SIM in and there is only lte_feature_enable nvitem.

In this folder, search for and backup lte_feature_disable and/or lte_feature_disable_Subscription01 to your computer and afterwards delete them from your phone EFS filesystem. If these files do not exist, find lte_feature_enable and/or lte_feature_enable_Subscription01 and copy these (or one if only one exists) files to your computer. Modify lte_feature_enable(_Subscription01) files as needed.

Then find lte_feature_enable and/or lte_feature_enable_Subscription01 and copy these one or both files to your computer. Modify these files.

For Qualcomm SDX52 and SDX55 modems, we have already modified files:

Download it and replace current file with this file or modify it manually.

Unmodified lte_feature_enable file from OnePlus 8 (IN2013)

Change all values to 11111111 (FF) to enable all LTE-features what chipset support. Here is explanations of all Feature bits.

Modified lte_feature_enable file.

Copy file back to phone as ItemFile (don’t drag and drop).

Right click on EFS Explorer and select Copy Item File from PC.

Click Browse and find then file on your computer and then click OK. Wait the confirmation message of item transfer from EFS Explorer.

You can check enabled features in UE Capability Information message. To confirm you have 256QAM UL enabled, find “ul-256QAM-r14” in UE Capability Information message.

23 thoughts on “Enable all available LTE-features on your Qualcomm device”

  1. It’s not working for IN2023 OOS11.
    ue-Category-v11a0 : 12
    discoverySignalsInDeactSCell-r12 : supported
    dl-256QAM-r12 : supported
    ul-64QAM-r12 : supported

  2. Dear Minh,
    Thanks for your tutorials. I need your support against the G781B.
    CA is locked in my country and i cannot get the 5-3 CA band combos also how to enable the 5G in it.

  3. Dear Minh,
    Thanks for your tutorials. I need your support against the Sony XZ Premium G8141/G8142.
    Can we acctive all features on CHIP X16 modem?

  4. Hi, thanks. I’m on a Mi 10 Ultra, does this require root access and my baseband shows c7-3033.23-0120_2103_79a330f. How do I know it’s newer than HI.20?

    1. Yes if you reset it will reload from mbn modem files. If you also switch SIM-card some features may reset depends device.

    1. No this instruction do not enable any LTE bands. Low band B71 requires RF support it properly because low band and many other things. I recommend buy another device to support B71.

  5. I have a MSM8996pro device aka Oneplus 3T. Is this guide something for me? Also can I active Galileo GNSS with QPTS/QXDM?

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