Koti » Enable manual band selection on Netgear MR1100

Enable manual band selection on Netgear MR1100

By default on Netgear MR1100 mobile router doesn’t allow manual band selection / locking on device settings but there is way to add band selection to Netgear via telnet-console.

On this instruction, i use EU-version of Netgear MR100 and firmware version NTG9X50C_12.06.03.00.

Check supported 4G CA combinations on another article.

Access via telnet to Netgear MR1100

To add bands to your Netgear MR1100 device, you must first connect Netgear router to your computer via USB-cable.

To access telnet, you have to have USB Tethering enabled.

This instruction doesn’t  work on WiFi or Ethernet-connection. 

Then on Windows use Putty to access router. By default IP-address is and Telnet port is 5510.

Click to Open to open telnet-console. You should see black area on Putty. Now you can start type AT-commands to console.

Show current connected network information

See active connected mobile network information with AT!GSTATUS? command


This command should print something like this

Current Time:  740              Mode:        ONLINE
System mode:   LTE              PS state:    Attached
EMM state:     Registered       Normal Service
RRC state:     RRC Connected
IMS reg state: No Srv

LTE band:         B7
LTE bw:           15 MHz
LTE Rx chan:      3275
RSSI (dBm):       -48.5
RSRP (dBm):       -75.9
RSRQ (dB):        -9.8
RSSNR (dB):       14
Tx Power (dBm):
LTE Cell ID:      XXXXXX
Physical Cell ID: XXX
TAC:              XXXXX


Show current band selection list and supported bands

Use command AT!BAND=? to see Band Selection list and supported bands of your device.


This command should print something like this:

Index, Name,                        GW Band Mask     L Band Mask      L ext Band Mask
00, Auto,                           0002000004C00000 000001A0080800C5 0000000000000000
01, WCDMA All,                      0002000004C00000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
02, LTE All,                        0000000000000000 000001A0080800C5 0000000000000000

                                                     0000010000000000 - B41
                                                     0000008000000000 - B40
                                                     0000002000000000 - B38
                                                     0000000008000000 - B28
                                                     0000000000080000 - B20
                                                     0000000000000080 - B8
                                                     0000000000000040 - B7
                                                     0000000000000004 - B3
                                                     0000000000000001 - B1
                                    0002000000000000 - B8  (900)
                                    0000000004000000 - B5  (850)
                                    0000000000800000 - B2 (1900)
                                    0000000000400000 - B1 (2100)


Adding band selections

First, you can only add 8 band selections to device only. That should be normally enough. To add, just run band selection line with copy pasting it to telnet terminal from our site.

Just use same values on AT!BAND=? u see on Supported Bands, just remove 0 before hexadecimal value. If you like try add some combinations, you have to calculate these with NV Calculators.

B1 Selection:

AT!BAND=03,"LTE B1",0,1

B3 Selection:

AT!BAND=04,"LTE B3",0,4

B7 Selection:

AT!BAND=05,"LTE B7",0,40

B8 Selection:

AT!BAND=06,"LTE B8",0,80

B20 Selection:

AT!BAND=07,"LTE B20",0,80000

B28 Selection:

AT!BAND=08,"LTE B28",0,8000000

B38 Selection:

AT!BAND=09,"LTE B38",0,2000000000

If you like remove some of above, please use this command (change number <number> to line number).


After adding or removing bands on list, you can check list with AT!BAND=? command. You have to reboot your Netgear MR100 to see bands on GUI-interface.

204 thoughts on “Enable manual band selection on Netgear MR1100”

  1. Thanks so much. Having an issue with setting band 66 on my nighthawk it’s in the L ext Band Mask.

    Index, Name, GW Band Mask L Band Mask L ext Band Mask
    00, Auto, 0000000004C00000 000020003000085F 0000000000000002
    01, WCDMA All, 0000000004C00000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    02, LTE All, 0000000000000000 000020003000085F 0000000000000002

    0000200000000000 - B46
    0000000020000000 - B30
    0000000010000000 - B29
    0000000000002000 - B14
    0000000000000800 - B12
    0000000000000040 - B7
    0000000000000010 - B5
    0000000000000008 - B4
    0000000000000004 - B3
    0000000000000002 - B2
    0000000000000001 - B1
    0000000000000002 - B66
    0000000004000000 - B5 (850)
    0000000000800000 - B2 (1900)
    0000000000400000 - B1 (2100)

    1. Hey guyz, I have a European Nighthawk but i am in the Caribbean for now. I want to connect to the B2 frequency but it doesn’t show up on my netgear when I when i put it in putty. What do I do. B2 is the only band that carries LTE here in Antigua.

    2. In order to put Band 66 in properly you have to put in a second 0 for the L band and then have the 2 as the L ext. number.

      So here’s what you put in to make it work:

      AT!BAND=,”LTE B66″,0,0,2

  2. Christopher Smith

    I Believe maybe try Band 4 Hex since Band 66 is a off shoot of Band 4.. I had same issue.

  3. This only work while router is connected to the pc via usb?

    One more question, I use ATT in the United States. So do I still put in Telnet and port 5510 to connect to the m1? I cannot get it to connect.

    1. I have tested this only with EU-model and this require connect via USB. You have to enable USB Tethering on Netgear WebGUI to able connect via Telnet to RouterIP port 5510.

  4. Alvin Roy Nemenzo

    Hi! This is awesome article. Which exact EU MR1100 model you are using?

    MR1100-100EUS (Europe Unlocked) or
    MR1100-1EEEUS (EE UK)

  5. Alvin Roy Nemenzo

    Hi! Awesome article. Thanks for sharing. Which exact EU MR1100 you are using?

    MR1100-100EUS (Europe Unlocked)
    MR1100-1EEEUS (EE UK)

    1. This instruction doesn’t help modify bands on your device. This only help to lock some specific band what your device already support.

  6. Is there a way to choose 2 bands or even 3 bands for the aggregation? For example I want it to always use B1 and B2.

  7. Thank for good article. I have try to combine to bands with below instruction:

    AT!BAND=AT!BAND=03,”LTE B3B20″,0,80004

    I put on the list but finally it doesn’t work ;-/ Both Bands B3+ B20 are workes separatelly but together not.
    Where is mistake?

    ps. I have try to register band number 10 (AT!BAND=AT!BAND=10,”LTE B3B20″,0,80004) and it passed with OK status but M1 could not start properly. I could use only telnet console. On the M1 screen there was nothing and www interface could not run.
    I have try two times with the same result.


    1. You can add only 01-09 – not 10 on AT!Band list. That is some limitation on Netgear so if you want B3+B20 support, you have to replace existing value.

  8. Thanks for your reply, I have the M2 and seems the commands of this article and old devices do not work.

    But adding a space after the AT sometimes works. Like AT !GSTATUS? will work, but doing the same command posted on your article will give an error. For adding a band, none of the commands work (adding space or without space) BUT I figured if i write the whole

    Not working
    AT!BAND=07,”LTE B20″,0,80000

    For example (notice the space after the AT and also the whole command written)

    AT !BAND=03,”LTE B20 800″,[,80000,0]
    AT !BAND=03,”LTE B20 800″,[,80000,0]


    But after the AT !RESET nothing is saved. I tried passing multiple bands and parameters.

    Any idea?

  9. Answered by own question. For any band that is in a third grouping like Band 66 you just add another comma and your total.

    AT !BAND=00,”All Bands”,4C00000,20003000285F,2 (This includes bands 14 and 66 too.)

    1. This is just instruction how to make possible “lock” device to specific bands. But it’s not CA-lock – just allow multiple bands make CA possible (Non-Contiguous combos)

      1. This seems to be the same for the m5100, it doesn’t recognize that command. However the band locking still works.
        Although it has to be changed through an app as opposed to on the modem interface itself.

  10. Paul Marty Rosales

    Sir thank you. I successfully combined only 2 bands. Better than before however cant seem to successfully add 3 bands as my telco have band 1 3 and 28. Whenever i check the telnet console AT !GSTATUS? Only 2 bands are detected. My code is like this AT!BAND=09,”LTE B1B3B28″,0,8000005 but only 2 detected. I believe this mr110 router can have 4CA.

    1. Maybe Netgear M1 doesn’t support B1+B3+B28 CA-combo? Even device is 4CA, more important is CA-combos. I don’t know all CA-combos of device.

      I think also you have Telsra model of M1?

  11. Paul Marty Rosales

    Yes sir i have the telstra mr1100 this model.supports band 1 3 7 8 28. If this router doesnt suport 1 3 28 combo then that is a bad sign. Ill try to ask netgeat about this. Thanks 4 ur response!

    1. Also maybe not every mobile tower have licence for 3CA example – i have seen multiple bands on tower, but it do only 2CA max example. So 3 band tower doesn’t mean it’s 3CA.

  12. How do i “total” to get ca values? I need band 66 twice then band 12 as that’s what ingot from the mr1100 via telenet with at!gstatus?


    1. You just add B66 + B12. B66 include Contiguous CA if MR1100 support that CA combo. I don’t really know supported combos of M1.

  13. How do I add the values together, simple math? Then how do some get letters or decimals??

  14. My B2 and B66 both have the same numbers for the selection, 0000000000000002, and I’m trying to just lock down B2, but I’m pretty sure my router is trying to use B66 when I use this, because it’s not connecting at all when I add the selection, however when it normally connects to B2 without me trying to force it, it does so fine.

    Also, if I want to connect to one of the band with the different MHz, say your B2 1900 in the example, how would I do that. I tried putting mine in the same way I would the others, and while the others worked fine, the ones like these refused to show up in the list. Thanks for your time and help.

    1. There is no way to lock specific frequency on Netgear. You can only to specific band / bands… Just calculate values with NV Calculator.

  15. I assume there is no possible way to enable bands that are not supported in the return from the AT!BAND=? command or does the hardware just not have the ability if it isn’t listed? These Telstra versions are cheap but they are missing B40 which is a real pain. For LTE they only support.
    0000000008000000 – B28
    0000000000000080 – B8
    0000000000000040 – B7
    0000000000000004 – B3
    0000000000000001 – B1
    Anyway, it was a great read, thanks for posting it up.

      1. @CHISGAGN
        Assuming your device has B40 capability (Telstra version does not) you can do following setting to just enable LTE B40 to give a trial –
        AT !BAND=03,”LTE B40+”,2000004C00000,8000000000,0
        The setting here is to enable WCDMA bands along with LTE B40 as your device might be keep rebooting if the location you stayed has no B40 supported out from the base station(tower).

        1. I am getting errors as shown below:

          AT !BAND=03,”LTE B40+”,2000004C00000,8000000000,0
          AT !BAND=03,”LTE B40+”,2000004C00000,8000000000,0
          AT!BAND=03,”LTE B40+”,2000004C00000,8000000000,0
          AT!BAND=03,”LTE B40+”,2000004C00000,8000000000,0

          1. Please try AT !BAND=? Command if this device does support required AT commands

          2. at!band=?
            Index, Name, GW Band Mask L Band Mask L ext Band Mask
            00, Auto, 0002000004C00000 00000000080000C5 0000000000000000
            01, WCDMA All, 0002000004C00000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
            02, LTE All, 0000000000000000 00000000080000C5 0000000000000000

          3. @CHISANGA Your device does not have B40 supported, it is Telstra version, correct?

  16. Paul Marty Rosales

    sir, I have one question. Do you have a solution to prioritize band 28 to make it the pcc for b3+b28 combo. the reason why is because even its a b3+b28 combo, most of the time when I check the status its always b3 + b3..rarely its b3 +b28. thanks!

      1. Is there another device you know of that does allow specifying which band should be primary and which bands can be secondary but should not be used as primary? In my area B2 has really poor upload speeds but good download speeds so it’s good as a secondary but my MR1100 often picks B2 as the primary instead of other bands that have more balanced download/upload.

    1. Please test, i have only EU-version. However AT&T version support different bands so this instruction doesn’t add more bands.

  17. Hi!
    First of all thanks a lot for your sharing: your tutorial is really a good reading.
    If I may, I would like to to share 2 important things.

    (1) There is a bug in firmware NTG9X50C_12.06.03.00 that do not allow to use more than 9 bands. If you try more than 9 bands M1 stops working: the device will hang during reboot.

    (2) How to define LTE aggregation bands?

    we have the following commands for bands B20, B3, B1 and B7.

    AT!BAND=03,”LTE B20 800″,0,80000
    AT!BAND=04,”LTE B3 1800″,0,4
    AT!BAND=05,”LTE B1 2100″,0,1
    AT!BAND=06,”LTE B7 2600″,0,40

    If you want to aggregate 2 or more bands, what you have to do it is a simply hexadecimal sum.

    e.g. sum of 4 bands: B20+B3+B7+B1 we have the command line

    AT!BAND=07,”LTE 800+1800+2600+2100″,0,80045

    where “80045” is obtained from

    0000000000080000 (B20)
    0000000000000004 (B3)
    0000000000000040 (B7)
    0000000000000001 (B1)

    = 0000000000080045

    other examples with 3 bands:

    AT!BAND=08,”LTE 800+2600+2100″,0,80041
    AT!BAND=09,”LTE 800+1800+2600″,0,80044


    1. Yes 9 filter max due firmware bug.

      I recommended use NV Calculator (HEX) to define other bands than listed. You can also add multiple bands on same “group”.

      Example B3+B1:

      AT!BAND=04,”LTE B3+1″,0,5

  18. Can i ask for a Huge Favor, the Grace of GOD i was able to add most of the bands that you posted on here. The Newest M1 from AT&T supports Band 0000200000000000 – B46 . i double check on Telnet. However i have no idea how to make the bands as you made above Example – B1

    AT!BAND=03,”LTE B1″,0,1

    I have no idea how to make that. Can you please make the Manual badn for me so i can Copy and Paste?

  19. can someone please i need info..
    id like CA or group B2+B12+B4+B14+B66
    is this possible?
    for att m1 gen2

    1. If hardware support that combo. I only have EU-version so i don’t know what combos US model support. You can calculate NV-value (HEX) with NV-calculator.

  20. hi can you help me, i want to CA band for b3 1800 and b7 2600 ,, what is command for it , i not good in this . i want to copy and paste if available, my nighthawk m1 telstra version,unlocked can use malaysia telco DIGI,

  21. Hdhakldjxnsk Hdkdkd

    Hi for nik Izzu band will be like ( B3+B38) = ( 0,4+ 0.2000000000 ) = ( 0.2000000004 )
    So at command ( AT!Band=03,”B3/1800+B38/2600″,0.2000000004

  22. alright , but mine is band 7 not band 38 , i tried do it myself and the result is this AT!BAND=03,”LTE B7+B3″,0,44
    does it right? that what i write in the command , is it correct?

  23. Can u help me please. I connect with putty and AT!BAND=? command works. But getting error when sending the band commands. I am in usa and really need this. Thanks in advance!

  24. Hey bud, I go into putty but when i send the AT!BAND=? it shows me the bands. But when i type any of the band commands i get an error. I am solely connected through usb. For example i send command AT!BAND=05,”LTE B7″,0,40 and get error. Please help and thanks in advanced.

  25. There isn’t anything about entering a password? should there be something about a password?

  26. A couple of questions. Could you expand this just a bit more and show how you are using the information such as I wanna do band 12, I open nv calculator and pick band 12 then hit it so it converts to hexadecimal. But when I enter that sum(0800) such as AT?Band=4″LTE B12″,0,0800(or just as 800), Nothing shows up as a selectable band in the modem after restart. I added Band 2 and 5 which show up as selectable bands, but when I do it drops ATT as a network and changes to “Default network”. Once I change back to auto ATT is back as network. Unlike some I don’t want you to give me the answer, I want you to explain how your getting to the answer. Your just saying use NV calc, that’s fine, but your giving some band references, but not showing how your using the NV calc and what your doing with that data once you get it. It will stop a lot of people from asking you for the answers lol. Some of us aren’t mathletes 🙂 My last question is I somehow accidentally removed LTE ALL as line 2. That is an answer that no NV calc will give you of how to re-add LTE ALL back to the drop down menu? Thanks in advance. …US Netgear nighthawk MR1100
    PS in case you didn’t gather I have 0 problem using PuTTY to access the router. I just suck at math.

    1. The command you used does not sound right, AT!BAND=04,”LTE B12″,0,800,0 can be used to set only B12 and whether it works or not, depends on the carrier if they allow you to just stick on that band.
      LTE All for MR1100-2A1NAS is AT!BAND=02,”LTE All”,0,20003000285F,2
      I only have 2A1NAS, for 100NAS, taking B14 out should work

      You should be able to get all supported band list by AT!BAND=?

      Even if you can add custom band(s) from menu, it does not mean it will work once you pick up that combination, the modem FW would block you from that selection if the HW does not support, all these custom band would need to try with the carrier of your SIM card, might not apply to all the carrier, and models of MR1100.

    1. I have the ATT branded M1 but I can’t seem to add the bands. When I run AT!BAND=?, B28 shows up but it is not a selection in the GUI only LTE ALL is in the drop down. I use AT!BAND=08,”LTE B28”,8000000,0 then restart the router but nothing shows up in the GUI. Any help you could give me would be much appreciated. I am in the Marshall Islands and they only have band28 and my router isn’t connecting

      1. The problem is not the last ,0 but missing the ,0 right after your “LTE B28” which is used for WCDMA band mask

      2. Please check your AT&T branded M1 support B28 with AT!BAND=? command. Can you post output here? Remember in US there is no B28 bands available.

    2. I have an at&t mr1100 in the United States on firmware Will this work for me?

    1. Sorry should of explained a bit more. Copy this and enter AT!BAND=? Is Band 28 listed??? If it is then copy AT!BAND=08,”LTE B28″,0,8000000 in the panel right click then hit enter. If Band 28 is not listed, you can’t use that hotspot. These commands just make what you have listed it CANNOT add a band that is not listed as useable by a hotspot.

      1. Hi John so I see B28 when I do the AT!BAND=? listed. I copied and pasted into putty AT!BAND=08,”LTE B28″,0,8000000 then closed putty disconnected the router, restarted it, logged in and all I see under cellular all I get in the drop down is AUTO and LTE ALL

        1. How many bands have you added. what I am gathering is none. So try AT!BAND=03,”LTE B28″,0,8000000

  27. Works great on ATT sim, for some reason it kept jumping to band 66 which was much slower than band 2. Now I have it locked on band 2. Wondering if any other bands are even faster? lol

    1. @OC, I have ATT netgear with B14, mine is selecting B30 and works but when I do speedtest will go to B2 and its way faster then B30 but right after speed test will go back to B30 from B2 so in short B2 gets used till is doing speedtest and goes back to B30.
      i have Netgear m1 with B14 from BestBuy using Att as service, how do I lock the B2 please and thank you.

  28. @OC, I have ATT netgear with B14, mine is selecting B30 and works but when I do speedtest will go to B2 and its way faster then B30 but right after speed test will go back to B30 from B2 so in short B2 gets used till is doing speedtest and goes back to B30.
    i have Netgear m1 with B14 from BestBuy using Att as service, how do I lock the B2 please and thank you.

  29. At&t M1 all bands, in this case mine from putty. need help for B2 how to add please

    0000200000000000 – B46
    0000000020000000 – B30
    0000000010000000 – B29
    0000000000002000 – B14
    0000000000000800 – B12
    0000000000000040 – B7
    0000000000000010 – B5
    0000000000000008 – B4
    0000000000000004 – B3
    0000000000000002 – B2
    0000000000000001 – B1
    0000000000000002 – B66
    0000000004000000 – B5 (850)
    0000000000800000 – B2 (1900)
    0000000000400000 – B1 (2100)

    1. B2 can be added with the command AT!BAND=03,”LTE B2″,0,2 assuming you are only adding this on top of default band regions

    1. @BERNA

      AT!BAND=03,”LTE B2/B4/B5″,0,1C, you should revise the “03” right after “AT!BAND=” to the other index, such as 04, 05..,etc. if 03 is exists and you don’t want to override it.

  30. Hello good afternoon, my netgear is telstra, I use it in Mexico, with telcel I download 4g, but att only wcdma, I want to use it in att, I know it must be band 4 and that is what I want to add could you please support me with the command to add band band 4 I know that it is band 4 because I have another router but att original and when I enter advanced options it tells me that it is in band 4 lte. thanks

    1. @BERNA
      Telstra model, MR1100-1TLAUS, does not support Band 4, it is limited by the hardware itself, nothing can be change from setting or firmware. You need to buy one ATT model as it might be the only model supporting band 4.

  31. i try this method and success adding the band , but is it really work ? i add 4G+ band but dont it working or not,and at the Current Radio Band still showing LTE B3,, can you check please,, here is the pics —- https://imgur.com/a/oS77MBQ

    1. Web interface, in Diagnostics, only shows primary band, if you like to confirm if B7 is supported by the carrier, or the tower, you can try to create one entry with B7 only, if it gets connected, then you have B7. But if you like to confirm if B3/B7 CA is supported or not, you need to push some traffics and issue AT!GSTATUS? command in parallel, it will show you if both band is supported as CA combination with that carrier/tower.

    2. In the picture your custom band selection shows B3+B7, and the status shows that it’s connected to B3, which is perfectly fine.
      Carrier aggregation (4G+) happens at the command of the tower, and NOT you. Just keep in mind, that all your can do is specify which bands are AVAILABLE, but you cannot specify which band combinations the tower will use. Again, this is perfectly normal.

  32. I am wondering how can you tether the the USB port or is it tether to the USB-C port, which makes more sense. I am not able to login using putty with the USB-C even though it brings up a box.

  33. Thanks so much! I was locked to B66. I had B4, B12, and B66 available according to cellmapper dot net. B4 had a little better results. Is it possible to change the APN this way? It is currently “BROADBAND”. I would like to change it to “nxtgenphone” so it will possibly have speeds of my phone. I added a new APN, but it wouldn’t accept the “nxtgenphone” setting on this device.

  34. I’m trying to remove the one i just added and is not working is this correct?
    AT!BAND=,”LTE B66″,0,2
    I want to remove it because is not locking down this band probably not enough signal.
    Is giving me error when I hit enter

  35. You need to specify the option number you were adding for this entry, for example, AT !BAND=03,””,0,0,0
    B66 needs to sit on second LTE mask, AT !BAND=03,”LTE B66”,0,0,2

  36. Hi guys, so after a bit of research, I have the M2 EU version and I was able to lock bands. Although I saw somewhere that only 5 in total allowed, which means that with the 3 existing only 2 more can be added, unless you do replace the others I guess.

    I’ve tried to add a 6th band but not working.
    4&5 return OK, 6 returns error no matter what I put.

    For those asking the command for M2, here it is:

    AT !BAND=03,”LTE B1 2100″,0,1,0

    NOTE that there’s one more 0 on the command, and also there’s a space between AT and !BAND, don’t know why, don’t know how, but that works.

    AT !BAND=? Will also work
    AT !status?

    Also works.

    Now, I’m not able to find other commands that would allow other options. I would like for example an automatic restart every night of the router but it hasn’t got that option. I would also love to be able and say either use internal antenna or external antenna.

    Do any of you know how we can do this (if we can)?


  37. Hello, Can someone please helo me with a string to CA 3 bands Im very novice at this buy overcrowding on B12 is almost unuasble and my kids are home until this stuff is done. Id like to CA 4 bands. B14, B4, B12, B66 is this possible? If only 3 are possible B14, B4, B2. Id like to copy string and install with Putty. Thank you so much and stay safe.

    1. @JON
      AT !BAND=03,”LTE B4/12/14/66”,0,2808,2
      AT !BAND=04,”LTE B2/4/14”,0,200A,0
      These settings are used to limit your machine to land on specific bands, so far no known method to force CA combinations

      1. @William,

        Why so you have a “2” after the comma on the first command ? I have done my band config but always entered a 0 at the end, is there a reason ?

  38. I have Telnetted and added the following strings for AT&T, seperately.

    AT!BAND=02,”LTE B2 (1900 MHz PCS)”, 0, 2
    AT!BAND=03,”LTE B4 (1700/2100 MHz AWS)”, 0, 8
    AT!BAND=04,”LTE B12 (700 MHz Lower B/C/A)”, 0, 800
    AT!BAND=05,”LTE B14 (FirstNet / 700 PS)”, 0, 2000
    AT!BAND=06,”LTE B30 (2300 MHz WCS)”, 0, 20000000
    AT!BAND=07,”LTE B66 (AWS-3)”, 0, 0, 2
    AT!BAND=08,”LTE CA (B2+B4+B12+B30)”, 0, 2000080a

    The AT!BAND=? command shows them in the table now instead of the 3 default choices.

    I’ve rebooted my MR1100 multiple times and they are still not showing in the WebGUI as options, just the original Auto, WCDMA All, and LTE All. Any clues?

    1. It might be caused by WebGUI is limiting number of region options, or the firmware just don’t take these settings by hard coding default options. What SKU is your M? You can check from its back label with MR1100-xxxxx

  39. #!/bin/sh
    echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    echo "Please Enter First-Band"
    read KEY
    X=$(( $LBAND -1 ))
    BBAND=$(( 2 ** $X ))
    #printf "%s%20s\n" "Band L-bandmask-1" "L-bandmask-2"
    printf "%-6s%016X\n" "Band" "$BBAND"
    printf "MR-1100 --- AT!Band=03,\"B$LBAND\",0,%X\n" "$BBAND"
    printf "MR-2100 --- AT !Band=03,\"B$LBAND\",0,%X\n" "$BBAND"
    echo $MR2,0
    printf "HUAWEI --- AT^SYSCFGEX,\"B$LBAND\",0,0,%X\n" "$BBAND"
    M1=0xprintf "%X\n" "$BBAND"
    echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    echo "Please Enter Second-Band"
    read KEY
    X=$(( $LBAND -1 ))
    BBAND=$(( 2 ** $X ))
    #printf "%s%20s\n" "Band L-bandmask-1" "L-bandmask-2"
    printf "%-6s%016X\n" "Band" "$BBAND"
    printf "MR-1100 --- AT!Band=03,\"B$LBAND\",0,%X\n" "$BBAND"
    MR2=printf "MR-2100 --- AT !Band=03,\"B$LBAND\",0,%X\n" "$BBAND"
    echo $MR2,0
    printf "HUAWEI --- AT^SYSCFGEX,\"B$LBAND\",0,0,%X\n" "$BBAND"
    M2=0xprintf "%X\n" "$BBAND"
    echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    echo create CA Band please wait !!!
    CA=$(( $M1 + $M2 ))
    printf "%-6s%016X\n" "Band" "$CA"
    printf "MR-1100 --- AT!Band=03,\"B$N1+B$N2\",0,%X\n" "$CA"
    MR2=printf "MR-2100 --- AT !Band=03,\"B$N1+B$N2\",0,%X\n" "$CA"
    echo $MR2,0
    printf "HUAWEI --- AT^SYSCFGEX,\"B$N1+B$N2\",0,0,%X\n" "$CA"
    echo Bist du Glücklich oder möchtest du noch ein drittes Band berechnen ?
    echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    echo "Please Enter Third-Band"
    read KEY
    X=$(( $LBAND -1 ))
    BBAND=$(( 2 ** $X ))
    #printf "%s%20s\n" "Band L-bandmask-1" "L-bandmask-2"
    printf "%-6s%016X\n" "Band" "$BBAND"
    printf "MR-1100 --- AT!Band=03,\"B$LBAND\",0,%X\n" "$BBAND"
    MR2=printf "MR-2100 --- AT !Band=03,\"B$LBAND\",0,%X\n" "$BBAND"
    echo $MR2,0
    printf "HUAWEI --- AT^SYSCFGEX,\"B$LBAND\",0,0,%X\n" "$BBAND"
    M3=0xprintf "%X\n" "$BBAND"
    echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    echo create CA Band please wait !!!
    CA=$(( $M1 + $M2 + $M3 ))
    printf "%-6s%016X\n" "Band" "$CA"
    printf "MR-1100 --- AT!Band=03,\"B$N1+B$N2+B$N3\",0,%X\n" "$CA"
    MR2=printf "MR-2100 --- AT !Band=03,\"B$N1+B$N2+B$N3\",0,%X\n" "$CA"
    echo $MR2,0
    printf "HUAWEI --- AT^SYSCFGEX,\"B$N1+B$N2+B$N3\",0,0,%X\n" "$CA"
    echo Bist jetzt Glücklich oder mogst auch noch ein viertes Band berechnen ?
    echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    echo "Please Enter Fourth-Band"
    read KEY
    X=$(( $LBAND -1 ))
    BBAND=$(( 2 ** $X ))
    #printf "%s%20s\n" "Band L-bandmask-1" "L-bandmask-2"
    printf "%-6s%016X\n" "Band" "$BBAND"
    printf "MR-1100 --- AT!Band=03,\"B$LBAND\",0,%X\n" "$BBAND"
    MR2=printf "MR-2100 --- AT !Band=03,\"B$LBAND\",0,%X\n" "$BBAND"
    echo $MR2,0
    printf "HUAWEI --- AT^SYSCFGEX,\"B$LBAND\",0,0,%X\n" "$BBAND"
    M4=0xprintf "%X\n" "$BBAND"
    echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    echo create CA Band please wait !!!
    CA=$(( $M1 + $M2 + $M3 + $M4 ))
    printf "%-6s%016X\n" "Band" "$CA"
    printf "MR-1100 --- AT!Band=03,\"B$N1+B$N2+B$N3+B$N4\",0,%X\n" "$CA"
    MR2=printf "MR-2100 --- AT !Band=03,\"B$N1+B$N2+B$N3+B$N4\",0,%X\n" "$CA"
    echo $MR2,0
    printf "HUAWEI --- AT^SYSCFGEX,\"B$N1+B$N2+B$N3+B$N4\",0,0,%X\n" "$CA"
    echo Nur net übertreiben aber Spaßeshalber a fünftes dann is aber genug ?
    echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    echo "Please Enter Fifth-Band"
    read KEY
    X=$(( $LBAND -1 ))
    BBAND=$(( 2 ** $X ))
    #printf "%s%20s\n" "Band L-bandmask-1" "L-bandmask-2"
    printf "%-6s%016X\n" "Band" "$BBAND"
    printf "MR-1100 --- AT!Band=03,\"B$LBAND\",0,%X\n" "$BBAND"
    MR2=printf "MR-2100 --- AT !Band=03,\"B$LBAND\",0,%X\n" "$BBAND"
    echo $MR2,0
    printf "HUAWEI --- AT^SYSCFGEX,\"B$LBAND\",0,0,%X\n" "$BBAND"
    M5=0xprintf "%X\n" "$BBAND"
    echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    echo create CA Band please wait !!!
    CA=$(( $M1 + $M2 + $M3 + $M4 + $M5 ))
    printf "%-6s%016X\n" "Band" "$CA"
    printf "MR-1100 --- AT!Band=03,\"B$N1+B$N2+B$N3+B$N4+B$N5\",0,%X\n" "$CA"
    MR2=printf "MR-2100 --- AT !Band=03,\"B$N1+B$N2+B$N3+B$N4+B$N5\",0,%X\n" "$CA"
    echo $MR2,0
    printf "HUAWEI --- AT^SYSCFGEX,\"B$N1+B$N2+B$N3+B$N4+B$N5\",0,0,%X\n" "$CA"

    CA-Calculator tool by KOSH you can use it for all Users on your WEB-Site 😉 Band 1-64
    Band 65-128 later is not finished now

  40. Unfortunately I am not a programmer professionally. It was my first script. It took 2 days and 2 nights but it was fun because of Corona I stay at home. You could do a lot better. I tested it myself on an online bash editor that released the keyboard. Long time ago with Huawei Router I manually convert the bands from binary to hexadecimal. Band 4,3,2,1 = from right to left .
    1001000 = Band 7xx4xxx 100 = Band 3……..

  41. CA – B20+B7+B3 [ from right to left ] =10000000000001000100=Hex 80044

    Here is the script I get how I found the [code] to confert from dezimal Band numbers to HEX [ from right to left ]

    You see all possible Bands from 1-48 and from 65-85

    printf “%s%20s\n” “Band L-bandmask-1” “L-bandmask-2”
    while [ $LBAND -le 48 ]
    printf “%-6s%016X\n” “B$LBAND” “$BBAND”
    LBAND=$(( $LBAND + 1 ))
    BBAND=$(( $BBAND * 2 ))
    while [ $LBAND -le 85 ]
    printf “%-6s%016X %016X\n” “B$LBAND” “0” “$BBAND”
    LBAND=$(( $LBAND + 1 ))
    BBAND=$(( $BBAND * 2 ))

  42. Oh I see the goose feet ” ” ” ” ” in this “Kommentoi” are not working in Online script . Look a little bit different sorry.

  43. Result : LOOKS Like

    Please Enter First-Band
    MR-1100 — AT!Band=03,”B1″,0,1,0

    MR-2100 — AT !Band=03,”B1″,0,1,0

    Please Enter Second-Band
    MR-1100 — AT!Band=03,”B3″,0,4,0

    MR-2100 — AT !Band=03,”B3″,0,4,0

    —— create 2-CA Bands ——

    MR-1100 — AT!Band=03,”B1+B3″,0,5,0

    MR-2100 — AT !Band=03,”B1+B3″,0,5,0

    Please Enter Third-Band
    MR-1100 — AT!Band=03,”B7″,0,40,0

    MR-2100 — AT !Band=03,”B7″,0,40,0

    —— create 3-CA Band ——

    MR-1100 — AT!Band=03,”B1+B3+B7″,0,45,0

    MR-2100 — AT !Band=03,”B1+B3+B7″,0,45,0

    Please Enter Fourth-Band
    MR-1100 — AT!Band=03,”B20″,0,80000,0

    MR-2100 — AT !Band=03,”B20″,0,80000,0

    —— create 4-CA Band ——

    MR-1100 — AT!Band=03,”B1+B3+B7+B20″,0,80045,0

    MR-2100 — AT !Band=03,”B1+B3+B7+B20″,0,80045,0

    Please Enter Fifth-Band
    MR-1100 — AT!Band=03,”B36″,0,800000000,0

    MR-2100 — AT !Band=03,”B36″,0,800000000,0

    —— create 5-CA Band ——

    MR-1100 — AT!Band=03,”B1+B3+B7+B20+B36″,0,800080045,0

    MR-2100 — AT !Band=03,”B1+B3+B7+B20+B36″,0,800080045,0

  44. Johnathan Conway

    US user here. I have the Att M1 and I have successfully able to telnet in and add the bands I wanted to lock to.
    I’m still very new at this. Would anyone be willing to write the CA command to CA b2 and b66 together?

    1. AT !BAND=04,”LTE B2/66”,0,2,2
      Assuming you are putting this as 4th option in Band Region. You can’t control if B2/66 can be combined for CA operation, here is to limit the device running on B2 and B66, thus it will work if the firmware supports CA combination for B2+B66

      1. I understand. Thank you for time. I’ll try the command later tonight and see if these 2 bands will work together.

  45. US user here. I have the Att M1 and I have successfully able to telnet in and add the bands I wanted to lock to.
    I’m still very new at this. Would anyone be willing to write the CA command to CA b2 and b66 together?

  46. Hey,

    I need urgent help with locking bands on my M2 NIghthawk…

    because it keeps taking the 800Mhz Band 20 and this band is really slow.
    It would be awesome if I could exclude Band 20 and lock it on Band 3 and Band 7.

    Even BETTER if that is possible: Lock these 2 Bands and have band 20 as a reserve incase the other 2 Bands fail.

    The commands are too complicated I don’t know what i need to type exactly to lock the bands. Can you help me?



  47. Has anyone found a way of locking the primary / upload band on the M1? I am in a rural are where I pick up a far away 4G cell on bands 3 and 20 with clear line of sight. I am outside the propagation limit for band 3 as the upload band, however, the cell lets me use it for carrier aggregation, using band 20 as the primary. The Huawei B525 worked fine using band 20 as the primary and band 3 for aggregation.

    The problem I have with the Nighthawk M1 is that it keeps trying to switch to band 3 as the primary, dropping the connection. When I lock the Nighthawk M1 to band 20, it works fine but with very slow download speed due to high contention on band 20.

    1. There is no way to lock PCELL (primary band). That is network decision what is primary band. I recommend use external antennas to improve signal strength. That would improve your speed.

      1. Thanks for replying. I wonder how MikroTik can do this as I can certainly lock the primary band with a friend’s MikroTik R11e-LTE6, where I can specify the EARFCN to lock to. The network decides which cell/band to aggregate with, so the only thing it couldn’t do was lock the aggregation band other than limiting the choice of 4G band #s to choose from. So if I set the MikroTik to EARFCN 6300 (on band 20), it would always use that as the primary upload band, while the aggregation EARFCN would vary between 1275 and 1700 (both on band 3).

        I also asked on the Netgear forum and had a few replies mentioning to swap my wideband antenna with a band 20 antenna to heavily attenuate band 3. I have since tried this with a temporary set-up and it seems to hold the M1 on band 20, while still using the weaker band 3 signal for carrier aggregation.

        1. Mikrotik could have different kind configuration and yes if lock to EARFCN/PCI then possible but there is no way do this with Netgear or i don’t know how. If you have find, please share.

  48. This information looks very helpful for my situation. I’m not a network engineer, so much of the discussion goes over my head, but I think I can handle the putty communication setup spelled out here. I live 1.5 mi from an ATT tower. I’ve invested in a yagi antenna and Wilson signal booster. Service is very intermittent. The observations below are representative of what I’ve logged:

    Band RSRP RSRQ Quality Observed speed (estimate)
    B12 -86 -17 50 1.5
    B2 -105 -18 52 0.1
    B66 -103 -17 50 0.1

    As you can see, B12 provides the best signal and speed, but the device switches between the other two bands causing a drop in service. Is the method spelled out in this thread appropriate for “locking in” this band to improve reliability?

    Even when on B12, upload speeds remain slow with website requests painfully slow, messages lingering in outboxes, and work via RDP nearly impossible. Are there any suggestions to improve the upload speed?

    Any help would be appreciated. My wife is a teacher and frequently has to drive into town just to post a lesson.

  49. Did you ever try to enable manual band selection on the AC797s?

    We’re interested in that model and other models. Please contact me so we can further discuss this. Maybe contract your services.

    1. You can check the model of your device on its back label after the cover removed, it will show SKU: MR1100-xxxx, where xxxx should be 1TLAUS for your model

      1. @CHISANGA Telstra version has “T” logo on front panel, and its model number is MR1100-1TLAUS, you can check on its back label to confirm

          1. @CHISANGA Model 1TLAUS does not have B40 supported, only B1/3/7/8/28, limited by hardware itself. The command would work only when the hardware itself has the band(s) supported. You need to either get one MR1100-1EEEUS or MR1100-100EUS for B40 support.

  50. hi, sir how to combine 3 bands and 2 bands. band 1+3, band 1+28, band 3+28, band 1+3+28. thanks

  51. AT !BAND=03,”LTE B1/B3″,0,5,0
    AT !BAND=03,”LTE B1/B28″,0,8000001,0
    AT !BAND=03,”LTE B1/B3/B28″,8000005,0

    You need to change the index number, 03 here, if you like to have all above set for your device

  52. Hello, US user here. I was able to add band 12 selection, but would also like band 5. What is the selection for adding the 2?

    1. AT !BAND=03,”LTE B5/B12″,0,810,0 would provide Radio Band with B5/B12 combination

  53. I need to change the IMEI on my Netgear MR 1100.

    If you know how to do this without buying DC Unlocker, can you please share?

  54. What will be the commands for 5G router, I have MR5100, tried using the above commands but it lets me select lte only, any help would be apprtiated for 5g bands

    1. I got a 5100 in part thanks to knowing that you could lock the bands.
      The way it works, each secondary band is separated by a comma.

      Just band N12 would be displayed as 0,0,0,800
      The others follow this same trend, each line over should be a new comma.

      0000000000000800 – NR5G N12
      0000000000000010 – NR5G N5
      0000000000000002 – NR5G N2

      Aggregate of these would be 812 but I don’t know enough about 5g to say it can even aggregate. I assume if you wanted to lock on to a type of 5g you would just set the appropriate type.

      Then band n66, would be 0,0,0,0,2 for instance.

      0000000000000002 – NR5G N66

      To add 5g to LTE bands you just fill in the values with the commas.


      This would be B2+B12+N12
      Forcing aggregation is not actually a thing, you are just allowing the appropriate band to do whatever is available to them.

  55. I wish there were a way to lock out B14 because Auto gets me the best speeds except when it picks B14. Auto often gets me B2 for PCC, B30 (SCC1), B12 (SCC2), and B4 (SCC3). I’ve tried using a NV Calculator to combine B2 + B3 + B12 + B4 but apparently I’m doing something wrong because it doesn’t work.

  56. Raymond J Kirchner

    I want my MR1100 to run in LTE All, but I want to remove one band so the device never selects it. It seems to be the most crowded band and my speeds slow when the MR1100 picks that band.

    1. Add them all except the band you don’t want in a hex calculator. That’s what I did to lock out B14 which isn’t the slowest band but I lose CA when it is my PCC. In a perfect world I would keep B14 and toss out B12 but with B12, I get 3 other bands at the same time.

  57. This is great info. Anyone can give me advise on the at&t branded mr5100 5g hotspot? would the commands be the same for the 5g bands? Also, my mr5100 is unlocked but at&t is locking some of the APN’s so if you try to add cricket’s “ndo” apn or at&t’s “nxtgenphone” apn you get an error that says “this apn is not allowed on this device”. I can telnet to the mr5100 and list the running apn with at+cgdcont? I’m not sure if an at command could add the restricted apn’s or at&t has this restricted in firmware. I’m thinking firmware. Thanks.

  58. Any word on how to add the bands to a AC815S? Every time I try to add any band according to the above code, I get an ERROR?

    How do I find out which bands LTE Only is running on & How do I force to it to run on specified bands?

    Index, Name
    00, All Bands
    01, LTE Only
    02, 4G Only
    03, 4G and LTE Only
    04, 2G Only

    1. if the command at !opencnd? is working on your device, try to find the tool sierrakeygen on github, it might help

  59. Jose Carlos Ferreira Pinheiro


  60. Many thanks on the guide. While playing with it I accidentally deleted band01 (WCDMA All) & band 02 (LTE All); but luckily i managed to add them back after studying the lines. This is life saver, thanks again.

  61. Hello William Wang… or anyone else who can be helpful. I want to try to combine Band 3 and 7. But i dont know the command for it. I also have no idea how to start learning about hexa numbers.
    I’d appraciate any help to give me teh command for adding band 7 and 3 together ( combine) i read whole comments and i didnt find one similiar ro my case. thank you

    1. @ANNA Assuming you are adding one new entry for the band options of your device, try below command

      AT !BAND=03,”LTE B3/B7″,0,44,0

      Also, there is a tool can do the same without memorize hex code calculation, you can also try at tinyurl.com/mrCONFIGTools, the setup is exactly same as you did with Telnet

      1. hi William thanks for replying back. I tried the above command and i got “ERROR” my device is ATT. mr1100. i also tried to download your config tool. but i dont understand anything at all. could you please relook at the command? thx

        1. @ANNA please try at !band=? (lower case and insert a SPACE between at and !) if it gives any of information?

  62. Hello william. So sorry for late reply. i didnt have access. here is my output from the command u wanted
    at !band=?
    at !band=?
    Index, Name, GW Band Mask L Band Mask L ext Band Mask
    00, Auto, 0000000004C00000 000000003000285F 0000000000000002
    01, WCDMA All, 0000000004C00000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    02, LTE All, 0000000000000000 000000003000285F 0000000000000002
    05, LTE B7, 0000000000000000 0000000000000040 0000000000000000

    0000000020000000 - B30
    0000000010000000 - B29
    0000000000002000 - B14
    0000000000000800 - B12
    0000000000000040 - B7
    0000000000000010 - B5
    0000000000000008 - B4
    0000000000000004 - B3
    0000000000000002 - B2
    0000000000000001 - B1
    0000000000000002 - B66
    0000000004000000 - B5 (850)
    0000000000800000 - B2 (1900)
    0000000000400000 - B1 (2100)

    at !band=?
    at !band=?
    Index, Name, GW Band Mask L Band Mask L ext Band Mask
    00, Auto, 0000000004C00000 000000003000285F 0000000000000002
    01, WCDMA All, 0000000004C00000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    02, LTE All, 0000000000000000 000000003000285F 0000000000000002
    05, LTE B7, 0000000000000000 0000000000000040 0000000000000000

    0000000020000000 - B30
    0000000010000000 - B29
    0000000000002000 - B14
    0000000000000800 - B12
    0000000000000040 - B7
    0000000000000010 - B5
    0000000000000008 - B4
    0000000000000004 - B3
    0000000000000002 - B2
    0000000000000001 - B1
    0000000000000002 - B66
    0000000004000000 - B5 (850)
    0000000000800000 - B2 (1900)
    0000000000400000 - B1 (2100)


    at !band=?
    Index, Name, GW Band Mask L Band Mask L ext Band Mask
    00, Auto, 0000000004C00000 000000003000285F 0000000000000002
    01, WCDMA All, 0000000004C00000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
    02, LTE All, 0000000000000000 000000003000285F 0000000000000002
    05, LTE B7, 0000000000000000 0000000000000040 0000000000000000

    0000000020000000 - B30
    0000000010000000 - B29
    0000000000002000 - B14
    0000000000000800 - B12
    0000000000000040 - B7
    0000000000000010 - B5
    0000000000000008 - B4
    0000000000000004 - B3
    0000000000000002 - B2
    0000000000000001 - B1
    0000000000000002 - B66
    0000000004000000 - B5 (850)
    0000000000800000 - B2 (1900)
    0000000000400000 - B1 (2100)


    1. @Anna please issue following command to have B3+B7 added as one of band options

      at !band=03,”LTE B3+B7″,0,44,0

      a SPACE is required between “at” and “!”, reboot MR1100 after you are done. Login back to MR1100, from SETTINGS->Advanced Settings->Cellular->Band Region, pull down the options you should see this entry added. But, if you neither seeing “LTE B7” nor “LTEB3+B7” option in the list, means your MR1100 from ATT is fixed on default options, no others can be added to be effective.

      1. thx for fast response William. i entered the command and got this again…
        at !band=03,”LTE B3+B7″,0,44,0
        at !band=03,”LTE B3+B7″,0,44,0

        i appreciate your help. thx

        1. @Anna in that case, please replace 03 with 06 and try the same command? Were you able to see “LTE B7” in your band region?

          1. same error sadly
            yes ive added b7 before! could be why? maybe since this double bands contains band 7 too, so it wont allow duplicate, therefor i get the error? if so shall i delete it? even tho i dont know how
            thx again for your time

  63. @Anna you can either try to delete entry 05 by at !band=05, or replace previous command with 05 and keep the others the same. ATT model does have different behavior compared to the other devices

    1. i removed it then rebooted and tried the commands again, replaced with 05 too, still no go. please let me know if theres anything comes into your mind.
      thanks again william

        1. I added this command…
          AT!BAND=08,”LTE B7″,0,40. i followed a youtube video i’ve entered it from there.

          1. Anna, OK, then you just take the same, with description as “LTE B3+B7” and replace 40 with 44

  64. AT!BAND=08,”LTE B3+B7″,0,44
    that? it gave me error again

    AT!BAND=08,”LTE B3+B7″,0,44
    AT!BAND=08,”LTE B3+B7″,0,44

    1. Anna, the only way left is to replace 44 with 40 to try if this device is limiting adding B3 into the option

      1. same error. sorry. i havent tried to add b3 into this one… But i have another device, ive added b3 to that i think. BTW the commands i followed on the other site was abit different. for example these were the commands to add the bands… they seem abit different from here…
        have a look plz..
        AT!BAND=03,”LTE B1″,0,1
        AT!BAND=04,”LTE B2″,0,2
        AT!BAND=05,”LTE B3″,0,4
        AT!BAND=06,”LTE B4″,0,8
        AT!BAND=07,”LTE B5″,0,10
        AT!BAND=08,”LTE B7″,0,40
        AT!BAND=09,”LTE B12″,0,800
        AT!BAND=10,”LTE B14″,0,2000
        AT!BAND=11,”LTE B29″,0,10000000
        AT!BAND=12,”LTE B30″,0,20000000
        AT!BAND=13,”LTE B46″,0,200000000000
        AT!BAND=14,”LTE B66″,0,2

        1. Anna, we need to confirm on which command does work for this MR1100, from above list, do you know which one works?

          1. oops i just tried to add the command from my list and i got error. but then i tried the commands here and they worked!
            here is out put

            ^C AT!BAND=05,”LTE B3″,0,4
            AT!BAND=05,”LTE B3″,0,4
            AT!BAND=08,”LTE B7″,0,40
            AT!BAND=08,”LTE B7″,0,40
            AT!BAND=04,”LTE B3″,0,4
            AT!BAND=04,”LTE B3″,0,4
            AT!BAND=05,”LTE B7″,0,40
            AT!BAND=05,”LTE B7″,0,40

  65. Anna, it seems this device just can’t accept combining B3 and B7, might be restricted in FW, not likely can have workaround

    1. HI again William. BTW since we are still at it… Do you know of a way to TFTP into mr1100? i Can not get the device updated. it gives error and the firmware is 3 years behind. Also theres no where to put the firmware file to upload it to the device. Only way remains is TFTP. Ive tried with both windows and a tftp client to connect to the device. i tried from the second i plug in the device and second to second later. yet no success.. Could you look it up for me please? Or any other way to update the firmware? Thank you ….
      BTW this is the guild i followed… thanks again

  66. Ok this is what I posted at LTE Hacks…..

    if I want to just add band 2 and 5G for Verizon proposes, is it, (AT!BAND=04,”LTEB25G”,0,2,2,812,2)

    From lte hacks, some one wanted just band 14+5G (AT!BAND=04,”LTEB145G”,0,2000,2,812,2) so I replaced it with band 2+5G from above.

    I also added the following line as well just incase the first one didn’t work,(AT!BAND=05,”LTEB2NR5G”,0,2,2,10)

    I got the OK on putty but now when I go to the app to lock either of the 2, it still shows I’m on lte band 66.

    So I added just band 2 (AT!BAND=06,”LTEB2″,0,2) only and when I go to lock band 2 it shows the change.

    Not sure about the the other 2 i added above that suppose to give me band2+5G.

    I’m thinking maybe because just band 2 by itself doesn’t aggregates with N2, N5 and N66. idk!

    1. If NR5G is running on NSA, then you probably can’t disable LTE bands as they are used for existing NSA base station, this is what I know.

      1. ok. so if im able to lock (AT!BAND=04,”LTEB145G”,0,2000,2,812,2) which is band 2+5G where did band 66 come from? I thought it would have given me a error in regards to add more lte bands if you want 5G as well.

  67. I apologize for my lack of understanding, but how are you getting the other numbers in the commands? I am trying to add bands 25, 26, and 71 since those are what the towers in my area broadcast and I do not know what to add to the command.

  68. my problem is I can even putty in. every time I do it shows the command prompt with a green line but I cannot type or do anything.

  69. Yea, unsure whats going on. Looked at a video that was linked here and instructions here. Looks to be the same, followed video and bricked my new M1. So yay.

  70. I’ve an MR1100 nobrand and trying to add band profiles it gives me error that profiles can’t be added (max 3 profiles it says). Actually they are
    00 AUTO
    01 ALL WCDMA
    02 ALL LTE
    I’ve tryid with command AT!BAND=03,”LTE 800+1800+2600+2100″,0,80045
    Is there a way to unlock this?
    My firmware is 12.06.12

  71. I’ve an MR1100 nobrand and trying to add band profiles it gives me error that profiles can’t be added (max 3 profiles it says). Actually they are
    00 AUTO
    01 ALL WCDMA
    02 ALL LTE
    I’ve tryid with command AT!BAND=03,”LTE 800+1800+2600+2100″,0,80045
    Is there a way to unlock this?
    My firmware is 12.06.12

  72. Is there an equivalent method of customising bands for the Netgear LM1200? I have not been able to telnet to the device, and tethering is not an option. The drop-down options look similar, so presumably the same masks must exist, if only I could get to them.

  73. Hi I am from Germany and I have a unlocked MR6500, but I miss the N3 & N28 and N78 @ 5G Band. I cant finde a code to ad this ? Someone can help me pls.
