Koti » Modify Sony XZ, XZs, XZ Premium, XZ1 and XZ2 LTE-A band combos

Modify Sony XZ, XZs, XZ Premium, XZ1 and XZ2 LTE-A band combos

On this instruction we will modify on Sony smartphone band combo profiles with Qualcomm software. Sony smartphones have software limitation and we will unlock this.

We have tables of supported CA combos per group:

We will move Finnish MCC 244 to big_euro -list from little_eu so we get all Finnish band combos to use. On Sony XZ1 we will move Finnish MNC 244 to default-list and XZ2 we just remove limitation on eu_fin_mccs-list.

This instruction has tested:

  • Sony XZ
  • Sony XZ Premium and Sony XZ Premium Dual SIM (Does not work on Android 9.0 PIE anymore because QPST cannot access to modem)
  • Sony XZ1 (Some differences) – If you have Android 9, you need Magisk Module to access to modem.
  • Sony XZ2 (Some differences)

Before you follow this instruction, make sure you have already rooted Sony smartphone. Be careful, because this can make your device unusable.


  • USB-C cable between your desktop and phone
  • On desktop, you must have Platform-tools downloaded and drivers for Sony phone.
  • QPST-application. Please find application from internet.

Please enable under Developer Tools USB-Debugging on your Android-phone. Then connect your phone with USB-cable to your desktop.

Open command line and run adb shell -command:

.\adb.exe shell

enable Qualcomm modem mode:

F8331:/ $ su
F8331:/ $ setprop persist.usb.eng 1

You can turn off mobem mode after with command

F8331:/ $ setprop persist.usb.eng 0

Then disable USB Debugging on your Android-phone and remove USB-cable from your phone.

Wait 10 second and enable USB Debugging again and plug USB-cable back to your phone.

Open on your Windows-desktop Device Manager and you see now 4x F8311 (Sony XZ) undefined device.

Find on Device Manager hardware id “MI_04”

Find _04 driver. F8331 is Sony XZ model number.

Install drivers with Update Driver-function. Download supported drivers here Mi5_Qualcomm_Drivers.

Select “Browse my computer for driver software”


Select “Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer”

Select “Show all Devices”

Select “Have Disk…” Find then from extracted ZIP-file qcmdm.inf driver-file.

Then select Qualcomm Android Modem 9018 -driver and Next.

Now driver has installed and you can see that on modem section.

Open now QPST Configuration application.

You should see now on active phone list your device. If you do not see on this list, you must add it to manually via Ports. Uncheck “Show Serial and USB/QC Diagnostic ports only” to see COM3 port. Then select OK.

Now you should see modem on active phone list. If you do not see phone on list, please make sure you do not have Network Signal Guru App same time open on your phone. It use same interface as QPST so cannot run same time.

Let’s make now modem backup before we edit it. Open Start Client -menu and then select Software Download.

Go to Backup tab and select location with Browse button where you like save backup file. Start backup with Start button.

Now you have modem backup. Keep this file safe if you need anytime recover original settings.

Now open on Start Clients menu -> QPST EFS Explorer. Select your device and wait a moment.

Then go to policyman directory and on directory copy carrier_policy.xml to your desktop. If you have Dual SIM-version, you should see also carrier_policy_Subscription01.xml file. That is for second SIM.

Open this file example on Notepad++ application and move Finnish MCC 244 from eu_little_mccs to eu_big_mccs section.

On XZ2 please clear ca_band_combos line on eu_fin_mccs (depends your MCC) like on screenshot. That enables all CA-combos what phone support.

Save file and then copy file back to your phone.

Close EFS Explorer and QPST-application and reboot your phone. You can confirm Band support now with Network Signal Guru application. We recommended disable US and Japan bands because we do not needed that in EU-area. We recommended enable only B1, B3, B7, B8, B20; B32, B38, B39, B40 and B41.

I recommend also disable CustomizationSelector application from Android phone on Android Settings -> Apps because this might change settings back when you switch SIM-cards

If you could not do that directly on App Info, then you need Disable Appliation [ROOT]-app. Open app and disable CustomizationSelector.

EXTRA: Enable 256QAM and 64QAM on Sony XZ and Sony XZ Premium

This required also root and does not work anymore on XZ Premium with Android 9.

Download disable_cap_ies-30-6-2018 and extract that. Connect back to your phone with USB to computer and open EFS Explorer. Backup original files to your PC.

Move disable_cap_ies file with EFS Explorer to /nv/item_files/modem/lte/rrc/cap/disable_cap_ies

Move lte_category file with EFS Explorer to /nv/item_files/modem/lte/common/lte_category

If you have Dual SIM-model, then copy also *_Subscription01 to same location and replace original files. That enable 256QAM/64QAM also on second SIM slot.

Reboot your phone. You can confirm 256QAM and 64QAM support with NSG application. Please check your own ISP support this also.

Check on NSG Signaling 256QAM Support on your phone


79 thoughts on “Modify Sony XZ, XZs, XZ Premium, XZ1 and XZ2 LTE-A band combos”

  1. Hi there,
    Mine phone is LG V20 H990DS, I’ve been delete the disable_cap_ies file, and mine Upload Modulation is up to 64QAM, but I can’t get 256QAM Download, is there have file may have been stuck for 256QAM?

    The folder /nv/item_files/modem/lte/common/lte_category includes
    disable_cap_ies (deleted)

  2. MCC-MNC is 466-92, I have asked mine telecom provider they have enable all cell tower modulation 256QAM/64QAM
    Mine SINR is at 26~28dBm
    And I noticed the lte_category files it changes by itself, seems like it stuck on 09 not 0c when I restart my phone.

  3. I think only way to confirm is checking on NSG Signaling. Find UE Capability Information and try find dl-256QAM-rl on that. When you open that, sometimes take time when it load UE Capability Information. I recommended disable some unused band before try load these information. That is way to confirm phone have 256QAM/64QAM enabled.

    This my instruction is tested on Sony XZ, XZ1 and XZ Premium. This is not tested with your phone model.

  4. I know this is tested on SONY devices, but I think I can follow your instructions and get it right, thanks for your help, I will continue to try on this device.

  5. This my instruction is only for Sony Phones and working Sony XZ, XZ(s), XZ Premium and XZ1. On Pixel you could not change configuration and i think it’s hard coded to US networks.

    When it roam EMEA-networks it allow seems only single band?

  6. hi brother thanks for the good document.
    I really get support for enabling the 256QAM.
    but i cannot enable the CA brother.
    i modified the policyman file for my MCC 606 but i cannot get the CA.
    Samsung mobiles are ok with CA. but my sony G8142 is not ok.
    kindly help me where to add MCC 606.

  7. What CA-combos your network support? I see on CellMapper.net map your country have B3 (1800Mhz) and B20 (800Mhz). You could download CellMapper App from Play Store for recording cellular tower and network information to map. I think then best idea use eu_little2_mccs group what have basic EMEA CA-combos like B3+B20.

  8. We are using B3+B3 1800 Mhz.
    20+5 Mhz and 20+20 Mhz in certain areas.
    Kindly inform me where i can add this MCC = 606.
    I can send you a snap of policyman file.

  9. I think best idea put your MNC to eu_little2_mccs group on carrier_policy.xml so then should have B3+B3. You can confirm that on Network Signal Guru App.

    1. Do you have app like Network Signal Guru open on your phone? Please close this app so and then try restart QPST on your PC – then should show modem name.

  10. hello brother,

    hope you will be fine.
    I am sending you link of file for the G8142 need to add CA for contiguous bands B3.
    20MHz +20 MHz and 20MHz + 5 MHz.
    The MCC =606 and MNC = 01
    let me know where to add.
    I am confuse in 3AA-3A what this configuration means is and what abou only 3CC?
    Kindly brother help me need is as urgent as possible.

    Link for the files.

  11. Hello, i want to ask you if with Android 9 pie you just can’t add both LTE-A combos and 256QAM modulation or just one of these.
    Is root required to enable 256QAM?

    1. You can modify LTEA combos and enable 256QAM/64QAM same time. You do not need enable 256QAM/64QAM if have already enabled, you can check that with Network Signal Guru app. Root required when modify modem settings. Both changes on this instructions required root.

  12. Wow very sad 🙁
    Last question, is 256QAM locked for all carriers? Or do they have exceptions?
    I read that with some firmwares you can have all features unlocked.
    For example with Vodafone Italy, if you flash their custom firmware for XZP (Vodafone firmware) you can genuinely unlock 256QAM and so on. Obviously this works only if you’re running on Vodafone networks

    1. Some carrier have enabled 256QAM/64QAM on configuration from Sony but many networks not enabled on XZ and XZ Premium.

      But it works when you load configs on their network and disable then via Root CustomizationSelector App.

  13. Ok I see what you mean.
    Basically 256/64 is limited by software caps by Sony with any network. This is very disappointing but thank you for your time!

    1. Yes mostly networks on XZ, XZ(s),XZ Premium (No PIE) and XZ1 have disabled 256QAM/64QAM – with my instruction could enabled with ROOT.

      But that is how Sony phones works – latest phones mostly have 256QAM/64QAM enabled by default on configs.

  14. Joseph Patterson

    What about the drivers for the XZ Premium (G8142) are they included in the link you posted?

  15. Im trying to get this working with pixel 3

    So far I’ve got limited success using this

    And following my own guide from pixel 1 here


    Basically, use the first post and install his magisk and then his module.

    I then use your link and utilize the bottom portion just after hitting adbshell (use all commands from adb shell on and follow instructions)


    I get my port 6618 showing up but can’t do anything after that. I’m wondering if it’s because we need more recent drivers than the Mi5 provided? ?

    Help me out if you can

  16. Joseph Patterson

    Minh Thank you for this tutorial. I have able to get the CA combinations i needed here in the Caribbean (B12+B4+B2 & B4+B4+B2) by moving the MCCs to the USA table but now i need to enable MIMO 4+4 on these. How do you suggest I achieve this?

    1. You mean carrier_policy.xml? With that file you can change grouping and some limitations but if still you cannot enable more streams… It’s limitation in Qualcomm modem. If you like more streams you need better modem.

  17. Joseph Patterson

    Do you know if this file /nv/item_files/modem/lte/rrc/cap/disable_antenna_selection has anything to do with the number of antennas assigned to each band? I deleted all except Bands 2, 4, 5 & 12 but still can’t get MIMO 4×4 on band 2 or band 4

  18. Hi, I own a g8341. I was able to read carrier_policy.xml from the file amss_fsg_[..].sin, how could I read the list of PLMN that have 256qam and 64 qam enabled? Is there this list?

    1. If you do not run carrier own config file (see config file name), then 256QAM/64QAM is not enabled. You can check 256QAM/64QAM support via NSG App.

  19. Interesting.. For my country, italy, there are configuration file inside system/etc/customization/modem for many operators, but according to service menu (##7378423##) the modem loaded is always the default. So the nobrand firmware loads amss_fsg_poplar_tar.mbn, and if I remember correctly TIM firmware loads amss_fsg_poplar_tim_italy_ims_tar.mbn. Does this mean that the 256QAM on TIM network is enabled only in the TIM firmware?
    Thank you 🙂

    I haven’t root so I couldn’t use NSG.

  20. can u plz tell me how to backup efs and qcn file in xperia xz it cannot show port in qfil.exe

  21. Hey dude, I did all the steps in the order you said and I get an error, QPST doesn’t detect the phone, I mean, it says “No phone connected”
    What should I do? Please, help…

  22. Hello Brother
    Great Tutorial for enabling the 256QAM / CA Capabilities on Xperia Handsets.
    I have one Question.
    Can we enable the 256QAM on Carrier 2 as well?
    I have XZPremium G8142 with Band 3 + Band 3 non contiguous.
    I am getting this config 4×4 256QAM + 2×2 64 QAM on XZP.
    I have Samsung S9 G9600 and getting 4×4 256QAM + 4×4 256QAM Band 3 + Band 3 non contiguous.

    Can we add 4 layers on Carrier 2 as well but adding or removing the limitations?

    Waiting for the answer.


    1. It should be enabled on SCELL too… I think your modem doesn’t support 4×4 SCELL of that band… You need new phone with new modem for that.

  23. Hi, Minh

    i’ve managed to enable intra channel carrier aggregation on my phone ( Xiaomi Redmi note 5 ) by manually creating NV item 00028874 and pushing it to my device using https://github.com/denysvitali/ca-combos-editor.
    The device boots perfectly, connects to network properly, but is unable to connect to second carrier channel for carrier aggregation.
    Can you please help? I can provide all form of logs.
    Thanks in advance

    user who loves to tweak Android phones to the core.

    1. This is instructions just edit carrier policy. If you have issue editing 00028874 then you maybe should contact to someone else who have more knowledge. To confirm supported combos by UE, check UE Capability Message.

      1. I need Non contgs Combo For

        For Jio India
        Total Band 40-30mz

        Please send me CA combo code for OnePlus 7T pro non cont.

        1. +1 I am trying to find the perfect code, but it still does not work, can we get such combination for oneplus 8 too?

        2. Tried 40A2-40A2-3A4A-0;40A4-40A4-5A2A-0; dosent work both dosent work on oneplus idk why 3+40+40 and 5+49+40 dosent work

          1. Did you check your OnePlus hardware have this combo defined? You can find supported combos here: https://cacombos.com/ . How did you verify combo doesn’t work? From UE Capability?

      1. i had uploaded my Oneplus 7 GM1901 Indian model qmdl log file please update the website if you have time , Thank you

          1. i have mailed you the qmdl log file for the GM1901 Indian model Oneplus 7 and also i did upload the file on cacombos.com

        1. and also 3+40+40 and 5+40+40 (40A2-40A2-3A2A-0; 40A2-40A2-5A2A-0;) both doesnt work i cross checked with website cacombos.com its not shown in the supported list in GM1901

    1. Hi Minh,
      I am very impressed with your work.
      I am from Malaysia.
      Using Sony XZ1 and XZ2 as my daily driver.
      Can I know which line should I remove to get all combo available here in Malaysia?
      Band support here: B1, B3, B5, B7, B8, B20; B32, B38, B39, B40 and B41

      502 01, 502 151, 502 151, 502 19th, 502 13th, 502 198, 502 10, 502 16, 502 20th, 502 17th, 502 12, 502 11, 502 153, 502 155, 502 154, 502 18th, 502 195, 502 152

    2. Hi buddy.
      I try your command in XZ1 Docomo with Android 10 Third-Party ROM,but It’s doesn’t work.
      I can’t really get in the Modem Mode
      Any idea about this?
      My XZ1 Docomo has some Opertator Limit.I wanna to break it.

      1. My instruction works only with stock rom – not custom. Please contact to ROM developer for help.

    3. Hi Minh,

      I try do with your instruction , but CA not working.
      Can you help me make specific in my country ,

      CA : LTE2600-TDD + L1800 FDD.
      CA : NR B41 TDD + L1800 B3 FDD.

      Thank so much , friend !

    4. sony xz1 (Sov36) i have that phone i cant root it because bootloder unloack status is not allowed to open so how can i use carriee aggregation ,??? im using just 4G not 4G+

    5. Luis Xavier Ardanaz

      Hi thanks for the post, I wanted to know if this method also works for a sony xperia XZ1 compact rooted and with a custom Rom Havoc? There will be no problems? Thanks

    6. Hi. Is there any way to enable LTE B20 on Docomo SO-41B. Sony Xperia Ace2 (Mediatek Helio P35 MT6765).


    7. Olga Ardhita Pratama

      I’ve followed all the steps, but it’s not working, I’m from Asia Pacific with MCC 510 MNC 89, can I have some advice?
