With Sony Xperia 1 mobile phone i got over 700Mbps speed in Elisa 4G-network. I tested with Elisa Saunalahti Mobile Broadband 5G 1000M -plan.
Koti » Over 700Mbps speed is reached on Elisa 4G-network in Helsinki!
Over 700Mbps speed is reached on Elisa 4G-network in Helsinki!
This time I tried for 4G+ in Pori but still I get 50-90Mb which should be 200Mb. Can anyone answer why? At night it’s even slower 41-80Mb
Sped depends your own device, mobile network capacity on area etc… 50-90Mbps is normal speed on basic 4G network.
Thanks #Minh, but I was told it will be 200Mb as it is 4G+ the price of normal 4G is 19.90. 4G plus price is 24.90 and speed said to be 200Mb. I tested it on laptop and mobile ONEplus 6t. Gives me better speed on mobile at least 80-90Mb, but on PC it’s slower.